
Making a medical trip to a big city

29/01/2013 15:18
Big cities can be overwhelming, especially for visitors who are there on a medical trip. What can you do to lighten the load of a surgery on your trip? You don't want to have to deal with stresses of travel on top of everything else. Here are some tips for taking the trip that will finally change your life and rid you of your back pain forever.   Pack lightly: You don't want to have to deal with all kinds of luggage while you are trying to juggle all kinds of appointments and priorities on your trip. Pack only a carry-on so that you don't have to worry about your bag getting stuck in the wrong city if you check it. No need to bring all of your cosmetics or accessories along: all of the pampering you'll get from the hospital or outpatient center will be plenty enough to keep you feeling satisfied.   Schedule a non-stop flight: There is nothing worse than having to prolong your travel experience with a layover flight. If you must fly, at least treat yourself to a non-stop...

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23/01/2013 22:00
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Stretching (242)

Yoga (106)

Massaging (104)

Chiropractics (101)

Traditional Medicine (106)

Homeopathic Medicine (97)

Pilates (100)

Physical Therapy (100)

Back Surgery (102)

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